30 August 2000

Here is a list of known Bilderberg Council Members. The list has been received from and compiled by Tony Gosling. He is one of the worlds leading figures in exposing the elite secret society, the Bilderbergs. I understand that some of the aims of the Bilderbergs are for a single world government, a single world currency, and a huge reduction in the worlds population. A meeting at the UN building due to take place shortly (see my STOP PRESS page) may be linked with the Bilderbergs. For those who doubt that it is happening, I too was naive in believing that the UK  police and justice system could not be so corrupt. See how I was wrong by the evidence published on this site. There is in fact a lot more.

Let them be ashamed and brought to dishonour that seek after my soul.

Psalm 35 v4.

National Bilderberg participant lists now online - and elitists linked directly to their companies at http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/grattan_healy/Bilderberg.htm

Power Elite Public Information Service - www.bilderberg.org/bilder.htm#pepis

See www.bilderberg.org/bilder.htm for more info. To subscribe or unsubscribe send me <tony@gaia.org> an email with PEPIS in the subject header.

This list archived at http://www.mail-archive.com/PEPIS@marsbard.com and http://www.egroups.com/messages/pepis

Grattan Healy, energy adviser to the Green Party in the European Parliament, has prepared a full index - sorted by country - of Bilderberg participants from 1988 to 2000 (missing out 1990 but adding 1982). This valuable database includes a list of those Elitists that modestly describe themselves as International participants.

Below is the UK list, minus the venues and dates attended - the first section is for the real heavyweights - steering group. members etc.

You can also now 'Explore the world of the western Elite'. Many of this year's Bilderberg participants have been linked directly to pages giving further information about themselves and the companies they work for plus cheezy photos etc!!!

The 'explore' section and national lists can be found on Grattan's main Bilderberg 2000 page; http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/grattan_healy/Bilderberg.html

Bilderberg from 1982 onwards (United Kingdom participants)

from http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/grattan_healy/Bild-UK.html


Sainsbury, Sir John, Chairman, Sainsbury PLC

Roll, Eric (Lord Roll of Ipsden). Senior Adviser, UBS Warburg Dillon Read

Carrington, Peter, ex-NATO Sec Gen, ex-Chair of Christies

Clarke, Kenneth - Member of Parliament; ex-Chancellor of the Exchequer

Knight, Andrew, Non Executive Director, News Corporation (x st); ex-Daily Telegraph

Taylor, J. Martin, Chair, WH Smith Group plc; Internatnl. Advisor, Goldman Sachs Int.

Micklethwait, R. John - United States Editor, The Economist

Wooldridge, Adrian D., Foreign Correspondent, The Economist


Amiel, Barbara, Columnist, Sunday Times

Avery, Graham; Chief Adviser for Enlargement, European Community (IN)

Blair, Tony, MP, Shadow Home Secretary, Labour Party (Now Prime Minister)

Braithwaite, Rodric, Foreign Policy Adviser to the Prime Minister

Brittan, Leon - Vice President of the European Commission (IN)

Brown, Gordon, Member of Parliament, Labour Party

Browne, E. John P., Group Chief Executive, The British Petroleum Company p.l.c.

Buchanan, Robin W.T., Senior Partner, Bain & Company.

Cradock, Percy, Former Ambassador to China; Former For. Pol. Adviser to the PM

Craig, James, Director General, The Middle East Association

Cranborne, Robert M.J.C. Leader of the Opposition in the House of Lords.

Crockett, Andrew - General Manager, Bank for International Settlements (IN)

Freedman, Lawrence, Head of Dept of War Studies, King's College

Garton Ash, Timothy, Fellow of St. Antony's College, Oxford

Grierson, Ronald H, Former Vice Chairman, GEC

Griffiths of Florestfach, Lord, adviser Goldman Sachs Int.; ex-head of PM's Policy Unit

Hague, William - Leader of the Opposition. ( Maurice's comment do both Blair and Haig use the same toilet?)

Hannay, David - PM's Personal Envoy for Turkey; ex-Perm. Rep. to the United Nations

Healey, Denis W, former Defense Secretary and Finance Minister ( Maurice's comment. He sits now in the House of Lords. Nice old man?)

Henderson, Nicholas, Former Ambassador to Poland, Germany, France and the USA

Hogg, Christopher - Chairman, Reuters Group plc, ex Chair Courtalds

Hutton, Will. Editor, The Observer.

Jacobi, Mary Jo. HSBC Holdings plc; Former US Assistant Secretary of Commerce.

Jenkins, Michael - Vice Chairman, Dresdner Kleinwort Benson

Job, Peter, Chief Executive, Reuters Holding PLC

Kaletsky, Anatole - Associate Editor, The Times

Keegan, John, Military Historian; Defence Correspondent, The Daily Telegraph

Lamont, Norman, MP, Fmr Chancellor of the Exchequer, Director of N.M. Rothschild

Mabro, Robert E. Director, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies.

Mandelson, Peter - Member of Parliament

Monks, John, General Secretary, Trades Union Congress (TUC)

Owen, David, EC Mediator, International Conference on Former Yugoslavia

Porrit, Jonathon - Programme Director, Forum for the Future

Prendergast, Kieran - Under-Secertary General for Political Affairs, United Nations (IN)

Prior, Lord, Chair, GEC plc; fmr Sec State for Northern Ireland & for Employment

Purves, William - Group Chairman, HSBC Holdings plc.

Radice, Giles, Chairman of Euro Movement MP

Rees-Mogg, William, Chair, Broadcast. Stnds Coun, Chair Amer. Tradg; ex-Ed The Times

Rifkind, Malcolm, Foreign Secretary

Robertson, George - Secretary of State for Defence (Maurice's comment. In a more dangerous position now than ever)

Robertson, Simon. Former Chairman, Kleinwort Benson Group plc.

Rothschild, Emma, Dir Ctr for History and Economics Cambridge

Rothschild, Evelyn de - Chairman, N M Rothschild and Sons ( Maurice's comment. After wealth what is there for evil people but power?

Scholey, David G, Chairman, SG Warburg, Group plc

Sheehy, Patrick, Chairman, BAT Industries

Smith, John, MP, Labour Party, Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer (x st)

Stevenson, H Dennis, Chair, SRU group

Villeneuve, Andre-Francois H. Executive Director, Reuters Group Holdings plc.

Waldegrave, William - Minister of Agriculture; ex-Minister for Housing & Planning

Weidenfeld, Lord, Publisher

Wolf, Martin - Associate Editor and Economics Commentator, The Financial Times

Wright, Patrick, Permanent Under-Secretary of State, and Head of Diplomatic Service

Yahuda, Michael B. Professor of International Relations, London School of Economics.


82(st): Steering Committee list;

88 list: original List of Participants;

89(st): partial Steering Committee list;

91, 92 and 93 lists: taken from Spotlight;

92 Steering Committee list, extracted from Armen Victorian piece in Nexus Magazine;

94 list: original, plus Tony Gosling (www.bilderberg.org) and Spotlight;

95 list: Tony Gosling (Alberta Reporter) and elements from Spotlight;

96 list: Spotlight and Tony Gosling;

97 list: Tony Gosling, Lobster Magazine and Spotlight;

97 Steering Committee list: original from Bilderberg Meetings

98 list: original Participant List, and Parascope;

99 list: Portuguese News Weekly, Tony Gosling, Big Issue/Schnews -

Bilderberg Minutes, and Spotlight;

2000 list: kindly provided by the Bilderberg Meetings;

Ex-Steering Committee members over the last 10 years (x st) - letter to

Patricia McKenna MEP from Bilderberg Meetings, 3.12.98

(Thanks to Tony Gosling, Patricia McKenna, Armen Victorian, Jim Bogusz,

Lobster, Nexus, Klaus Kopf, Jim Tucker, Spotlight, News Weekly, Big Issue/Schnews, Parascope and Bilderberg meetings)

Power Elite Public Information Service - www.bilderberg.org/bilder.htm#pepis


This is an occasional free email list as part of the campaign for accountability and press access  to Bilderberg and similar elite meetings. See www.bilderberg.org/bilder.htm for more info.This list archived at http://www.mail-archive.com/PEPIS@marsbard.com and http://www.egroups.com/messages/pepis

In that same hour jesus rejoiced in the Holy Spirit, and said, I thank thee O father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou didst hide these things from the  wise and understanding, and didst reveal them unto babes; for so it was well-pleasing in thy sight.Luke 10: 21


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