To Miss S. Carr, 16A The Lyons,
16 The Lyons, Hetton-le-Hole,
Hetton-le-Hole, Tyne-Wear.
11 January 1998.
Nine and a half years of draining your property No. 16 The Lyons
onto our property No. 16A The Lyons. Agreed by your
predecessors in title to be in the sum of 200 pounds per annum.
Index linked to the average rate of inflation at 4pc this amounts
now to £1876 - 00
Damage to fencing on our property as a result of your drainage falling on to it as a consequence of your property's guttering having been sloped in the direction of our property. Estimate £90 - 00
Repair of damage to the foundation of the wall of our property by holes having been put beneath it to allow your drainage to flow into our property. Estimate £65 - 00
Damage caused when without our consent in 1997 you drilled the same wall as detailed above and fitted items to it. As you are aware police suggested that we could take out an action for criminal damage on this matter.
Estimate £50 - 00
Damage to guttering on our property by work that Mr. Pringle agreed he had carried out while we were away on holiday in July of 1994. Estimated at £70 - 00
Damage to our side of the party wall at the front of our properties sustained on the weekend of 13 and 14 November 1993. The additional work now required is that the roof of our property be removed for internal examination for probable damage to the roofing timbers on our property. The additional cost, should damage have been sustained to be passed to you if and when such examination takes place.
Estimated at £200 - 00
Repair and redecoration of the interior wall of the kitchen of our property due to the continued intake of water as a result of the damage to our property when your property's roof was replaced on the weekend of Saturday and Sunday 13 and 14 November 1993 by people that you refused to name £270 - 00
Damage to our property when you had a post concreted onto the frontage of our property when it was found that the gate you were having fitted was too wide for the joint drive to our properties. This cost to include the cost of removal of that post and the fitting of new fencing around it. Estimate £170 - 00
Damage to fencing on Mr. M. Kellett's and Mr. W. Kellett's land by your removal of it in March of 1994. Deputy District Judge Baird said that if you could not prove title to that land you would become responsible for the cost of its reinstallation.
Estimate £350 - 00
Damage and inconvenience caused to our property No. 16A by blocking our right of way to the rear of it in mid 1994 by placing a fence across that path. That act has prevented the proper maintenance of our property and has greatly limited the use of the buildings upon our land. Currently Estimated at £1200 - 00
Damage and affect on the ability to enjoy the use of our property by rodent infestation, smoke, noises, and smells coming from the smallholding which you commenced to establish without the benefit of planning approval next to our property No. 16A The Lyons in 1987. Estimate only £2000 - 00
Your part in the stress which I and our family have suffered at the hands of yourself, Mr. Fryer Spedding by the use of his various acts detailed in my affidavits of 13 August 1997 and 4 November 1997. That stress and the additional stress caused by harassing us on our doorstep with a tape recorder concealed on your person ( which you have now agreed) is considered to have been instrumental in the sudden rise of my father in laws hypertension and subsequent stroke which resulted in his death. Estimate only £20000 - 00
Your part in the rapid deterioration in my own health due to my imprisonment on 5 July 1996 on false allegations of contempt of court and by token of the fact that the injunction granted by Mr. Cuthbertson on 17 October 1995 which was instrumental in my imprisonment and subsequent stroke was granted in improper circumstances. At that time you were a litigant in person and you did not make it clear to Mr. Cuthbertson that Alison Stoat was only your assistant, which Alison Stott made clear later in January of 1996 before the first directions hearing before Mr. Fryer Speeding that she had only been acting as your assistant.
Estimate only £15000 -00
Blocking of the joint drive at the front of our respective properties No 16 and 16A The Lyons by having erected a fence to prevent our right of access and cost of removing a section of that fence to enable the lawful access to our property via that route to recommence. Estimate £100 - 00
Damage to our trees and shrubs which are presently growing upon our land which is the alleyway and your action preventing our enjoyment of those trees and shrubs. Our title to that land, contrary to the judgment of a man who, among the many other unjust acts lied, remains fully protected by the Law of Prescription and of the Limitations Act.
Estimate £300 -00
TOTAL £41741- 00
There is an additional cost involved. Your acts have been verified to have devalued the price of our property. At this moment in time the monetary devaluation has not been calculated. That cost will be passed to you as soon as it is made available to us.
I should be happy to hear from you regarding your proposals for payment of the above amount.
Yours sincerely
Mr. M. Kellett
Miss Carr has totally ignored this Bill. I have been ordered to pay £16,000 in costs for the four year civil litigation. During this litigation Carr openly used perjury both for her defence and prosecution. Former Recorder Mr. Fryer-Spedding not only allowed that perjury but added to it by the use of his lies, concoctions of false stories, statements contrary to law, and other vile acts. He went into sudden retirement when I reported some of his acts to former Lord Chancellor Mackay. I now understand that Carr is to commence bankruptcy proceedings against me.
I have also sent District Judge Cuthbertson at the Durham County Court a Bill of costs for the part that he played in these matters. Some of his acts are detailed on the various documents contained in my Web pages. His vile acts were instrumental in my imprisonment and subsequent stroke. The Court Service say that a Judge has no liability for any costs of a litigant who has suffered even through deliberate acts of injustice when acting in his role as a judge. Enter Freemasonry. Do I really need to explain now why so many judges, magistrates, lawyers etc. are Freemasons? That which former Recorder Fryer-Spedding has carried out against my family and I, is proof of the true situation existing here in the United Kingdom. The whole U.K. judicial system is infested with Freemasonry and its plain to see why this is.
For those who read this, what would you do in my situation? Would you accept that you are liable for concede an order for costs, when a judge such as Recorder Fryer-Spedding and a litigant such as Carr, carry out the acts of which I detail. To accept such court order, is to accept that theft, backed up by the State, is lawful. I will not give way to this whatever the consequences.
Freemasonry has all but taken everything that I valued most in life which was my wife and family. That is their big mistake. The Master of the Rolls Lord Woolf, Lord Chief Justice Bingham, Lord Chancellor Irvine, Home Secretary Straw, have all been supplied with evidence to show beyond all reasonable doubt that my allegations are true. Because only they are empowered to act upon my allegations, and have not done so, they too become accessories after the fact. No man is above the law, but it is shown that there are those in high authority who would seem to believe that they are.
I recently went to see police Inspector Atkinson, (Nov. 98) stationed at Washington Police Area Command Headquarters, in Tyne and Wear, to request that they commence action against former Recorder Mr. Fryer-Spedding for Misconduct in Public Office and/or for having taken action to pervert the course of justice. He said that just before I had arrived for the interview, he had contacted the Home Office in London and they had instructed him to take no action because it was a "civil matter". Since when has misconduct in public office and acts to pervert the course of justice been civil matters?
The people who make these decisions are the same to whom we pay taxes to keep in office. They are the same people who do not raise an eyebrow when Lord Chancellor Irvine pays out of public funds £8000 for a single role of wallpaper to decorate his apartment. It took many rolls of wallpaper to do that. He tries to justify his act by saying that it was good value for money? He went on to say that the wallpaper would outlast cheaper wallpaper by many years. What if the next Lord Chancellor does not like that wallpaper? It would seem that Chancellor Irvine expects his tastes in wallpaper to be the same as future Lord Chancellors. Now can anyone really accept his logic? Are men who think like this really the ones to be entrusted with safeguarding British Justice? Should such an alleged System of Justice be allowed to be so infested with Freemasonry, which is after all, the Worlds largest Secret Society?
Maurice Kellett.
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