Mr Anthony Blair MP,                                 16A The Lyons

House of Commons,                                       Hetton-le-Hole,

London.                                                              Tyne - Wear DH5 OHT.

 May 9 1995

Dear Mr Blair,

I enclose a copy of the contents of a letter  that I  wrote  to The Lord Chief Justice Taylor. There may  be  slight differences in wording from the letter that was  sent  to  Lord Taylor as it seems possible that he may have been sent the contents of the draft copy of the letter I enclose.

I appreciate that at present you are extremely busy, but would ask that you try to read the contents of my letter to lord Taylor. Up until the above date, there has been no acknowledgement by him to the receipt of this letter.

I  have just became a member of Hetton le Hole Parish Council. I was nominated and seconded by members of a family who  presently hold  four out of the six positions in our  Council  ward. This family have Masonic connections.

I have expressed concern to other party members at the situation where this family nominated and seconded yet another member of their family for the position of Ward Councillor. This would have meant that five out of the six ward Councillors would have been members of the same family. For whatever reasons, this fifth member of the family withdrew from the election.

Again, for reasons unknown, members of this family nominated  and seconded  me for election onto the Hetton Council.  My relations with this family have been somewhat strained because of their apparent involvement with the Masonic movement. I would like to think  that their motives are honourable, time will tell whether this is so.

As my  letter to Lord Taylor states, my problems began  after Istarted to investigate Reg Vardy's use of British Coal  premises. I had been angered at that time as I often repaired tannoy equipment for David Vardy free of charge because he practised as a lay preacher. I know that my letter to Lord Taylor is very long, yet it does not contain all the things that have occurred over the past twelve years.

At present I am withholding the one hundred pounds fee for my two trials to proceed. Where I am the defendant in a third action I am not eligible for another fifty pounds as claimed. I have hoped that there would  be another hearing of my latest application to the Durham County Court for Nancy Bone Solicitors to release my files to  me so that I might be able to proceed on my own. It is now almost certain that my latest application is again being ignored.

Once I pay the one hundred pounds fee that is required, I will be left in the  position of having a trials date set, a trial where I am deprived of the documentation relevant to them. At this time I believe that my neighbour Miss Carr will be employing a barrister both for her defence and prosecution.

I  have to add at this time that the log that I mentioned in my letter to Lord Taylor regarding the times that my neighbour is at home, or returning home is still being kept. I am astonished that a person said to be in full time occupation as a National Insurance Inspector, can spend so much time at home. She is apparently even able to take time off work for a man to visit her smallholding to shoe her horses. If her actions are representative of the Civil Service as a whole, then I know that there is room here for substantial savings to the public purse. A recent interview  with a member of staff at the Citizens Advice Bureau in Durham brought her reply that she was aware of what Civil Servants were often allowed. I was told that Miss Carr was allowed to be at home during the times that I reported because she works a  "  flexi hours" system.  Under this system it is presumed that the time that she spends at home should be made up for by time at work. There  is no evidence whatsoever of this. Perhaps had  Miss Carr not been the kind of neighbour that she is, I too might have turned as it were, a blind eye, to her activities.

I am afraid that my approaches to Roland Boyes have been met with an apparent reluctance by him to involve himself in  matters  at hand. At our latest meeting a few weeks ago Roland said,  "I am only  a small MP". Perhaps Roland's present health problem  might have been the reason for his statement to me, though  my first approach to him around eight years ago was met with a similar response. It is not an exaggeration to say that the past twelve years of my life have been hell, and continues to be so. My failings are that I cannot accept without question things that I have reported in my letter to Lord Taylor. I am continually being  told that what I am attempting to fight is too great for me. I was told by Roland Boyes eight years ago that if I had tangled  with the masons then I had bitten off more than I could chew. These were his words not my own.

I acknowledge  that membership of the Masonic movement is not frowned upon by the Party. However, in the interests  of  true democracy it is wrong to take action against anyone who might have some reservations about it.

People who are aware of my opposition to Freemasonry, or indeed any Secret Societies, have often came to me with information. These people have included police officers. It is fairly  certain that these people are themselves afraid to do anything about the situation.

I  have over the past few years sent Mr Chris Mullin MP a number of letters giving details of current affairs. A few weeks ago I wrote to ask him if he could put me in touch with any of the persons who wrote to him after he introduced his Secret Societies Declaration  Bill. It appears as though many people did write to him expressing their own concerns about Freemasonry. It had been my intention  to start a pressure group to have Chris Mullin's Bill reintroduced  in Parliament. As always, I received an  acknowledgement of the receipt of my letter to him, but nothing further.

Extremes, call for extreme measures. This is the situation that I am left with. I would wish that what remains of my life might be lived without all of the complications of the past twelve years. It would seem that this is not to be the case.

What I have reported in my letter to Lord Taylor is the truth, not the truth as I see it. I presently have some doubts as to whether Lord Taylor will acknowledge my correspondence to him. I am used to this sort of situation.

It may be that I am seen as being more of a threat because I am a Radio Ham. At times, though not often, I have discussed  Freemasonry with other Radio Hams. It was after one such broadcast that I received a telephone call from another Radio Ham who had heard the broadcast. This man invited me to visit his home. He was the ex London Metropolitan policeman, who said he was a mason, that I refer to in my letter to Lord Taylor. This was the man who confirmed that Inspector Peacock was a mason. He gave me information on the Masonic movement and referred to the Masonic movement in the North East as a lot of idiots.

I don't know what your views are relative to Freemasonry within government or government authority, and I do not enquire as to this.

I don't know whether you can help me in  resolving my present problems, yet I request any help that you may be able to give or suggest.

Though I don't relish the thought of publicity in what I have reported, I am now resolved that somewhere in proceedings publicity may become necessary. Whether or not this will be of use is not certain, however, it cannot do more harm to me than is already taking place. Should you wish to pass on the contents of my enclosed letter to Lord Taylor to anyone, I have absolutely no objection to this.

I have now just received a court summons issued by Nancy Bone Solicitors claiming from me almost twelve hundred pounds. I will be disputing the claim and intend to issue a counter claim against her for up to one thousand pounds of damages for what she done. It was of interest that part of the scrap paper that she uses at her Gilesgate office contained procedures for election of candidates to the committee of The Radio Society of Great  Britain. Mrs Bone's husband is, I believe, treasurer of  Lumley  and District Amateur Radio Society. He tells me that there are  many Radio Hams who are Freemasons. He did not tell me how he obtained this information?

Perhaps  one day, we as a Nation, will work together to build a better Britain for us all, not just for some. Perhaps this is the reason for the Japanese success, they apparently work together as a Nation.  As things stand, divisions now seem to be all the greater where  man is at the throat of fellow man. Unfairness seems the order of the day. With unfairness, comes more crime. Fairness is the only basis for a healthy society. Fairness is all that I seek. If I cannot obtain it from the present Authorities then my determination not to give way to that which is happening will  only strengthen. I may not succeed, all the same this will not stop  me from trying.

Yours sincerely

 Mr M. Kellett



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