This is my daughter Dawn as she was around ten years ago. She does not know it yet but she is a victim of Carr and the Masonic Mafia. What has happened will have a lasting affect and influence on her for the rest of her life.
To the right is my former wife and daughter Lisa I use the words "former wife" lightly.The divorce which she believes she has was obtained by fraud. The judge who granted it would not agree or deny that he had visited Masonic Halls. Everything relative to that judge will also be subject of publication. I doubt that he would even be suitable for employment as a toilet attendant. The divorce is invalidated by reason of a ruling made by the late Lord Denning which is still valid today. "No order of any court or govenment minister can stand if fraud has been used to obtain it." Grills, the judge involved, did not give me the opportunity to reply to the lies my wife used in her petition for divorce. Grills was thus not only in breach of his judicial oath, but was also in breach of Article 6 of the European Court. Divorce is now known to be a massive bussines designed to convert the assets of the couple involved into legal costs. The more aggression solicitors can stir up between a couple, the more the costs. More on this fact later backed up by evidence.
Below is another photograph of my wife who now lives in our other property at Dacre Banks, near Pately Bridge, North Yorkshire. Lisa lives close by at Fellbeck and is employed as a Pharmacist at Ilkley.
The story of what took place after my wife believed I could not beat Carr and the Masonic Mafia who are assisting her will be published in full. Those who terrorised us will be eventually tried for their crimes.
Here is my wife with Monty an alsation who was also a member of our family. Monty remained faithful to me right to the end. I had to have him destroyed on December 3 1999. I miss him greatly. The love I thought my wife had for him turned out to be another lie. An event that took place at Fellbeck in 1998 proved that beyond all resonable doubt. Carr used him as a weapon. She scratched on the fence adjoining our properties and agrivated him. She tape recorded Monty barking as a result of that. This was after she falsely alleged to the Public Health that Monty barked incessantly. A copy of the evidence to prove this is availabe as a copy of that tape recording, which had suitably been subject of editing by Carr for her use in having me imprisoned.