BACK AGAIN after there was a murder attempt made on me by Northumbria Police Special Squad officers on the night of 5/6th February 2003. On Monday 3rd January 2003 my home came under an illegal Northumbria Police seige. My case regarding the possession of my home had been adjourned at the Middlesborough County Court when I was taken to hospital. My case remains adjourned but both Middlesborough and Durham County Courts continue to ignore this and remain in serious breach of the law by ignoring this very material fact and trying to frustrate my attempts to access law. This of course is the Masonic way of harming people. My case had been adjourned at the Middlesborough County Court on Thursday 30th January 2003. The following Monday a bailiff arrived at my home with Masonic led Northumbria Police officers who unlawfully watched the bailiff try to force entry to my home. These officers were accessory to crime. It remains unlawfull for a bailff to force entry to any property in the course of his work. My home then came under a Northumbria Polices seige when I refused to allow the bailiff entry to it. I threatened that if the police continued to watch as the bailiff attempted to force entry to my home then I would die rather than give it up to Masonic criminals. I held a sword to my stomach and then doused myself in petrol in preparation for what was to be my final protest at a UK establishment which is rotten and corrupt to it very core. Police cut off my water, gas, electricity and telephone. On the third night of the seige they battered down the door of my home and two of Northumbria Police Special Squad officers handcuffed me and then tried to impale me on the sword. Both PM. Tony Blair and Home Secretary were made aware of these facts along with a large amount more of relavence to my case. They continue to ignore it. Under law dating back to ancient times, by failing in their public duty to act on these matters they are now held to be implicated in the matter of attempted murder of me. Blair has been asked for an independent public inquiry into my case but has simply ignored my request. My life remains under threat. Tony Blair is a Freemason, Lord Hutton of whitewash and Co. , the Duke of Edinburgh, The Prince of Wales are also masons. The Queen is Patron Head of UK Freemasonry. In fact the whole of the UK establishment is now proved to infested with masons. I will be publishing more evidence of what has been carried out against me by our very corrupt establishment. This material has been copied to other sources in case of my demise which has been threatened. IF YOU HAVE ANY DOUBTS WHETHER FREEMASONRY RULES THE UK READ THE COMING UPDATES TO THIS SITE AND OTHERS WHICH WILL COMMENCE SOON. Email: OR: (23rd September 2004)



Honorary Member of The International League for Human Rights of United Nations.

Special Voluntary Representative and Correspondent of Greek and British News Agencies "Storm".                               

All material published on this site is for and in the public interest. If there was no need for it, this site would not be here.

Use Your Time Well For These Are Evil Days (Ephesians C5 v16)

Updated Saturday 22nd September 2001.  


HUMAN RIGHTS NETWORK PAGE. (New 10th March 2001)

STOP PRESS updated 16th July 2001.

 EDITORIAL Updated Saturday 22nd September 2001.

GO TO THE LATEST INFORMATION. Updated 22nd September 2001.

Latest evidence that in my alleged harassment of Carr material evidence was suppressed. NEW 25th March




GO TO INFORMATION UP TO September 24 2000





Photographic Evidence of the existence of the Masonic Judicial and Police Mafia.

To view it click on the paragraph below.

Go direct to photographic evidence to show why I will not accept the alleged bankruptcy fabricated on a bed of fraud, conspiracy to defraud, perjury, and gross misconduct by those holding public office. I will now resist by all and every possible method at risk of my death any moves to rob me of my property resulting from legal costs, (the basis of my alleged bankruptcy) awarded by former Recorder John H. Fryer-Spedding who fled the scene of his crimes immediately after I had reported them to former Lord Chancellor and mason Mackay.

Go to some photographs of my family.

Links. (New links added 3rd July 2001)


I, Maurice Kellett, of, 16A The Lyons, Hetton-le-Hole, Tyne and Wear, DH5 0HT, England, hereby declare that the statements contained in the documentation indexed herein is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

On December 25 1999 I published an article on most of the major Internet World Newsgroups under the heading "Britain under the Jackboot". On Sunday January 2, 2000 I received an e-mail containing a death threat resulting from that publication. I reported the matter to Demon Internet who have referred me to its source. Some have suggested I take the death threat letter to police, but my experience tells me that to take my complaint to Northumbria Police would not serve any purpose. The force is riddled with masons who include its Chief Constable Mr Strachan. Past events tell me that Mr Strachan would probably be happy to give the order to shoot me if the occasion presented an excuse for it. It should always be remembered that masons refer to themselves as the Brotherhood which sets them aside other other organisations. Masons swear  an oath to protect the Brotherhood. That oath is in direct conflict with the duty required of those masons employed in public office. There are huge numbers of masons employed in public office.

On January 5, 2000 I was with Mr Myers an officer of the Official Receiver. Our meeting lasted from 11.25am to approximately 6pm. We had no breaks for meals. Again on January 6, 2000 I was with Mr. Myers from 2pm to 7.45pm again we had no breaks for meals. The Official Receivers Office is at Bayheath House, Stockton-on-Tees, Cleveland. There I provided Mr Myers with evidence of perjury, fraud, and conspiracy to defraud, that my alleged creditor and neighbour Miss Shirley Carr and others, had used against me in civil proceedings which had resulted in criminal judges operating from the Durham, Sunderland and Newcastle County Courts engineering my alleged bankruptcy by means of fraud and gross misconduct in public office.

These are all too familiar acts carried out by the Masonic Judicial Mafia now ruling the UK courts. These judges and Carr are being protected by the Chief Constable of Northumbria, mason Mr C. Strachan and his Masonic Band of Senior Officers.

Solicitor Alison Stott of Aykley Vale Chambers, Aykley Heads, Durham City is shown by evidence to be guilty to fraud, and conspiracy to defraud. She along with her partner in crime, Miss Shirley Carr, are being protected by mason Chief Constable of Northumbria. I am also their victim. Mason police officers will uphold the Brotherhood by protecting the criminal rather than do their duty and protect the victims of the criminal. The downfall and injury of the "anti-mason" victim always takes priority.

Another man being protected by mason Chief Constable Strachan and his band of mason senior police officers, is Mr Bavidge. He is still the Chief Clerk to the Justices at Houghton-le-Spring Magistrates Court. He was party to a cover up of illegal court proceedings there thirteen years ago following my have been battered and struck by a car that was driven at me by a Mr Robert Willis Gardner Pringle. Pringle at that time supplied the local Masonic Halls with fruit and vegetables for use in their functions. It was for reasons surrounding that matter and further misconduct by Northumbria Policemen that I decided to investigate Freemasonry. What I have learned since then should be of concern to every man and woman residing in the UK.

Late last year I went ahead with complaints to Northumbria Police Authority under section 86 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984. The authority is situated at the Civic Centre Gateshead.Detective Inspector Coxon's deception of which I became subject, was the final straw. On June 30 1999 I had a long meeting with him and another police officer at the office of my solicitor, Mr David Hughes of Harding Swinbourne and Jackson, 58 Frederick Street, Sunderland. Mr Hughes was in attendance during the whole time I made my allegations and complaints to DI Coxon. Some seven weeks on from June 30 it became clear that DI Coxon was not carrying out any investigation into the complaints and allegations I had made to him. Circumstances suggest no other than that mason Chief Constable Strachan and his Masonic mob were waiting for events to overtake me. They did not want to carry out any investigations that would show that I have been subject of criminal acts by policemen, Carr, Stott, judges, and others. The Masonic Judicial Mafia and policemen required Carr as their principle weapon against me in allegations of harassment, It would never do for police to use her as their principle witness when she is shown by evidence to be a criminal. Following my complaint to Northumbria Police Authority, Mr Elton, its Chief Clerk, agreed by letter that those subject of my complaint also included Chief Constable Strachan. He wrote that my allegations and complaints were to be investigated by Northumbria Police. He must have been aware at that time, that under section 86 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 he was duty bound to refer my allegations to another police force for investigation. I wrote to his office nearly two months ago pointing out this fact. He has failed to make reply to that letter. The following day after I sent that letter by fax to him, I became subject of a siege by Northumbria Police and others in plain clothes. Two of those policemen were dressed in bullet proof attire and I believe were police marksmen. They eventually left when I alerted others to my situation. PM Blair and Home Secretary Straw were then sent fax letters about what was being carried out against me. Eventually the mob outside, numbering between six and nine left.

Of further concern, despite Mr Hughes being asked by letter for the reason I was never required to place my signature against the complaints and allegations I had made to DI Coxon, he has failed to reply to me. I am now aware that if my allegations were being treated as an official complaint, then I would have been required to place my signature against the allegations and complaints I had made to DI Coxon. Months on, facts have backed up that my meeting with Coxon was a means of attempting to deceive me and that Chief Constable Strachan and his Masonic Mob were again setting me up, so that their Masonic Judicial Mafia brothers could take care of me. I will publish all facts relative to this shortly.

I will also publish details about the various solicitors who have carried out criminal acts who are not only being protected by mason Chief Constable Strachan and his Masonic Mob, but are also being protected by others who include the Law Society. The common thread throughout is the cess pit of the Brotherhood of Freemasonry.

I am entitled to protect my possessions and property by all means possible from the robbery now underway as a result of the judicial scum, some of whom I name below, who have played a major part in the fabrication by means of fraud and gross misconduct in public office of my alleged bankruptcy. I accept that such protection will inevitably result in my death. However I would rather die than give way to the Masonic Mafia who rule most, if not all major authorities throughout the UK.

The judges operating in the North East Court Circuit who are shown by evidence to have carried out acts against me which amount to High Treason are: Deputy District Judge Baird, District Judge Scott-Phillips, District Judge Cuthbertson, and major criminal, former Recorder John H. Fryer-Spedding . He fled the scene of his crimes when I reported his criminal acts to former Lord Chancellor and mason Mackay of which I had been subject. Also implicated are District Judge Jones, and former Chief Clerk to the Durham County Court, Mr I Cuthbertson. Just before Christmas 1999 a man named Dennis Richardson whohad  moved his employment eighteen months ago from the Durham County Court to Durham Crown Court went missing. I was familiar with that man because of my numerous visits to Durham County Court. It was announced on TV that it was believed he had gone missing as a result of something to do with his court employment. Three days ago his body was reported to have been found in the River Wear at Weardale. Police said there were no suspicious circumstances. If his death was suicide, then as it has been announced by TV that his disappearance was believed to be linked with his employment, a full and proper enquiry should be carried out as to the reason for his seemingly alleged suicide. He was employed at the Durham County Court for all of the time its criminal judges, some of who I have named above, were carrying out their criminal acts against me. If it was indeed suicide, what in the course of his employment had made him turn to suicide as a way out? My sincere sympathy and condolences go out to his family. My web pages are also duplicated on other sites.

Over the past year I have spent time with Mr Paul Taylor Chief reporter of the Sunderland Echo and  Mr Mike Kelly Chief reporter of the Sunday Sun newspapers. I showed them some of the evidence to back up the allegations I am making. Both men were sincere in their dealings with me. However. those above them dictated what was to be published which is a sad reflection on the way the Press are run. In the planning stage is TAP (The alternative Press) which is to be an electronic journal published on the Internet which will not be subject of masonic influence or censorship. Its contributors will be the general public and its their stories etc. that will be published free from all external influences. Anyone interested in this is welcome to contact me. TAP will be a way forward in exposing the massive authoritarian corruption now rife within the UK.


Christopher the Whitehall Masonic Civil Servant told the late Stephen Knight, author of " The Brotherhood", "Get your man involved in something legal - it need not be serious - and then you have him". The full account of Stephen's meeting with Christopher is included in chapter sixteen of his book. I stepped into the trap of believing that British justice could not be as corrupt as some had alleged. How wrong I was.

Masonic injustice has been instrumental in the destruction of my thirty year marriage. My wife and family were the best things in my life. I am now determined that those who have assisted this situation will be called to account for their actions. I understand that moves are now in progress to declare me bankrupt because I have not paid the £16,000 Order of costs in the Civil litigation. That Order was made by the former Recorder Mr. John Fryer-Spedding. In the below index listing, Affidavits 1 and 2 detail some of his acts. Am I to abide by the judgment and Order for costs when a man can stoop this low to ruin a man? Am I not only to be subject of Masonic injustice, but to concede an Order that I must pay for it? Justice is the basic foundation of any democracy. Without it democracy is called into question.

Those in high places of authority who continue to ignore the facts that I have supplied to them can only be regarded as accessories after the fact. They are not above the law.

Within the British House of Commons, there exists a Masonic Lodge for Members of Parliament and the Press Gallery. Therefore it is shown that Freemasonry has an influence within government and I would suggest that it is substantial. Member of Parliament Chris Mullin's Secret Societies Declaration Bill, which he placed before Parliament a few years ago failed to become law. His Bill, had it became law, would have helped to protect the British public from the influence of all Secret Societies. Then Prime Minister John Major, said that he would try to make time for another reading of the Bill. That has never happened. Perhaps it's not happened because there are so many Masonic Members of Parliament who don't want it to happen?

Where any Society maintains such secrecy as that of Freemasonry, the reasons for it must be given all due consideration. I have done this. I think it is very clear to me now, more especially after what has been done to me, why they exercise such secrecy.

I pay tribute to the Rt. Hon. Lord Denning. His Appeal Court Ruling, Jan. 12, 13, 24, 1956 was, "No Court in this land will allow a person to keep an advantage which he has obtained by fraud. No judgment of a Court, no order of a Minister, can be allowed to stand if it has been obtained by fraud. Fraud unravels everything."

Since publishing the above paragraph, the Rt. Hon. Lord Denning died only a few days ago. I think it will be a very long time before we have another man who honours the principles of justice in the same way that he has. We have all lost a very great and truly honourable man.

Quote from the late Lord Denning: "MASONS NOT ONLY KILL. THEY ALSO KILL MASONS"

Imminent bankruptcy proceedings against me concern the alleged court costs in litigation between Shirley Carr and I. The costs were awarded by former Recorder John Fryer-Spedding who lied, concocted false stories, and allowed Carr the liberal use of perjury clearly to enable him to fabricate grounds to rule against me. He also made at least one statement which was very contrary to law and there is little doubt that when he made it he was aware that his statement was contrary to law. It related to Section 62 of the 1925 Law of Property Act. That section of law relates to every conveyance of land or property in England. The contents of two of my affidavits contained in the index page list detail some of the former Recorders acts. If he was not aware of Section 62 of The law of Property Act 1925, then he could not have had the Chancery experience of which it was alleged he needed to hear the cases. Lords Woolf, Bingham, Irvine, and Home Secretary Straw have been sent the evidence to show the former Recorders vile acts. It would seem they choose to ignore the truth. In these circumstances they become accessories after the fact. They themselves are not above the law. I proceed on the ruling made by the Rt. Hon. Lord Denning. There are no grounds for bankruptcy when the bankruptcy claim has came about by fraud carried out by former Recorder John Fryer-Spedding, Shirley Carr, Solicitor Alison Stott, and the improper acts of judges Scott-Phillips, and Cuthbertson at The Durham County Court. I also detail in my pages some of their acts. I make these allegations and provide evidence of them in the public interest. I shall resist the insolvency claims to be made against me as my rights within law, whereas the claims being made against me were made by means outside of law. I shall stand or fall on the presumption that the law shall protect me and shall not protect those I name who have acted outside of it to bring me into this situation. The British Judiciary are ruled by the Masonic Mafia. The independence from government of the Masonic Mafia Judiciary does not mean that they can act outside of law and expect to get away with it.

LATEST: I was declared bankrupt by District Judge Jones on March 18 1999 for non payment of £15,800 of alleged court costs. Jones was not impartial. At an aborted taxation hearing he told me several times, "you have upset Mr Cuthbertson". He was referring to his friend District Judge Cuthbertson whose acts against me are detailed on my pages. That was evidence that they had discussed me privately before the taxation hearing. Therefore the renewed taxation hearing, of which illness prevented my presence there, was most certainly not impartial. Jones was not impartial when he allowed a bankruptcy petition by Carr and Stott, who are named in these pages along with their acts. I told Jones that even if I had that amount of money I would still not pay it as the bankruptcy has been engineered by the Masonic Mafia who rule the British Judiciary. I am not the first person they have carried this out on and I wont be the last until we can rid our Judiciary of Masons.

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places"

From the Holy Bible, Ephesians C6 v12, by Paul, one of the good guys.

Background History.

Go to page index listing.

Go to details of the evidence of High Treason used by former recorder John H. Fryer-Spedding

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Go to the publication "Britain under the Jackboot".

Go to links page New links added 3rd July 2001.

There have been 17016 visits to this web site since 30th January 2000.